Data relating to your browsing on (cookies)

This is the personal information essential to the processing of your order (surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address) voluntarily communicated to Braody.

We inform you that mandatory information is visibly marked with an asterisk on our website. The others remain optional. Without this information, we are unable to process your order.

When browsing the Braody website, temporary cookies may be saved on your computer.

​What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file that stores information in order to facilitate your subsequent connections.

​During your browsing on the site, Braody may store, in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your device (computer, tablet or smartphone), one or more cookie(s). These are recorded via the internet browser you use and according to the settings you have selected for cookies.

This information can be of various kinds:

  • The type of internet browser used
  • The operating system installed
  • The domain name of your internet provider
  • The provenance web page
  • Your country of residence and your language
  • The pages visited and the options selected on our site

​Cookies do not generate or transmit computer viruses that may infect your device. They are only readable and recognizable by their issuer (Braody).

When you first visit our site, an information banner will appear at the bottom of the page when Braody places a cookie on your device. After clicking "I agree", you consent to Braody storing cookies on your device.

By continuing to browse our site, other cookies may be added to your device. If you do not wish to accept them, click on the "learn more" link on the banner and follow the detailed instructions on how to refuse them. You have the possibility to change the settings relating to cookies at any time. The period of validity of consent to the deposit of cookies is 13 months. At the end of this period, we will seek your consent again.

To find out more about cookies and their settings, consult the file of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés at the following address: - section "Cookies: tools to control them".

Cookies on

Braody may use different types of cookies:

  • Session management cookies (essential for the proper functioning of your navigation on the site)
  • Audience measurement cookies - statistics
  • Cookies necessary for certain options
  • Targeted advertising cookies
  • Cookies related to social networks

Braody may integrate third-party applications on its site that allow you to share its content with other people. This is particularly the case of the “share” or “like” button on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat… The social network concerned is then likely to identify you and save cookies on your device. We invite you to consult their privacy policy.